Saturday, November 13, 2010

Zen is Mind.

The mind is always moving. In Zen we learn to still the moving mind, otherwise known as the monkey mind.
Hence we meditate (zazen). To still & sit the mind. Otherwise our minds run away with us
and we are no longer true to ourselves and others. We cannot think and reason when our minds are all over the place, here and there one minute, gone the next. We cannot focus and concentrate and lose our interest every moment due to a mind that cannot stop, look and listen. Let us work to change this immediately.
Mind makes unending karma, to reverse this do not let your mind be moved.
Be still. As a Buddha. A mind that is still is not stopping, not moving and flows endlessly like a river to the great ocean. Buddhas minds are always at peace with all things. Let your mind be like water, calm, and still when the winds are not moving. When the water of your mind becomes stirred up by the wind (karma) you cannot see the reflection of yourself much less others. Meditating we look into our own minds and shine the light within.
Everything becomes perfectly clear.
Everything is as it should be.
_/\_ Love. Light.


  1. must calm cute little crazy monkey mind, calm that monkey down haha
    But seriously...
    When the waters of our minds do move our vision becomes distorted.

  2. _/\_very true. when i go within...i can see again.
    :) hey! i just thought of a new quote!! hehe..:)
    I love u!!

  3. "The mind, like a mischievous monkey, tends to wander away. But even monkeys can be caught and trained, and so it is with the mind. It must be first caught and tied with mindfulness, then tamed and disciplined."
    - Bhikkhu Ariyesako
