Friday, November 5, 2010


We are the change we wish to see in this world.
Everything is connected. Change is all there is.
We must all do our part to live more simply.
I wish that people would stop eating and hunting the animals, and all beings from the oceans and planet.
The earth is being destroyed due to over consumption and greed. We must change this.
Stop the polluting, killing & drilling of our mother earth. It is causing great harm to all.
Ride a bike, or walk. Take public transit. Good for ourselves and the world we live and breathe in.
As human beings, we somehow believe that the world is ours literally. Not true. What is taken from the planet does not come back to us in kind.
We cannot keep profiting from ourselves and others and the world we live in.Or our greed for more and more things that have nothing to do with the human heart and who we are as a species.  Love and Light.
If we truly want to change the world, for the better. Then we must start with ourselves and how we live in this world with all beings.
The earth is all of our home.
Let us live, work and share in harmony with all life.

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